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Saturday, September 15, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Introduction to Gibberlins
Gibberellic Acid (GA) is a natural hormone in plant that
promotes and regulates growth and development in plants. It belongs to the
family of hormone known as Gibberellins. Scientists are exploring the benefits
it can offer in enhancing and maximizing fruit and vegetable yield. There is
also evidence that it helps in the seed germination process in some plants. Gibberellins
(GAs) are a large family of tetracyclic, diterpenoid compounds, some of which
function as endogenous plant growth regulators. Through phenotypic analyses of
mutants with reduced GA production, it has been revealed that bioactive GAs
play an essential role in many aspects of plant growth and development, such as
stem elongation, flower and fruit development, and seed germination. Despite
considerable effort, it has not yet been determined precisely where the
bioactive GAs are synthesized in plants, or which cells/tissues are targeted by
the bioactive GAs to initiate GA-mediated biologic actions. GAs is primarily
synthesized at the site of their action. There is some evidence for the
presence of GAs in xylem and phloem exudates, indicating a long-distance
transport of GAs through these tissues.
The nature of gibberlins
Unlike the classification of auxins which are classified on
the basis of function, gibberellins are classified on the basis of structure as
well as function. All gibberellins are derived from the ent-gibberellane
skeleton. The structures of this skeleton derivative along with the structure
of a few of the active gibberellins are shown above. The gibberellins are named
GA1....GAn in order of discovery. Gibberellic acid,
which was the first gibberellins to be structurally characterized, is GA3.
There are currently 136 GAs identified from plants, fungi and bacteria. The most widely available compound is GA3, or
gibberellic acid, which is a fungal product. The most important GA in plants is
GA1, which is the GA primarily responsible for stem elongation.
Gibberellin Biosynthesis and Metabolism
GAs are synthesized from mevalonic acid
in young tissues of the shoot (exact location uncertain) and developing seed.
GAs are probably transported in the phloem and xylem. Gibberellins are diterpenes synthesized from acetyl CoA via
the mevalonic acid pathway. They all have either 19 or 20 carbon units grouped
into either four or five ring systems. The fifth ring is a lactone ring as
shown in the structures above attached to ring A. Gibberellins are believed to
be synthesized in young tissues of the shoot and also the developing seed. It
is uncertain whether young root tissues also produce gibberellins. There is
also some evidence that leaves may be the source of some biosynthesis .3 acetyl
CoA molecules are oxidized by 2 NADPH molecules to produce 3 CoA molecules as a
side product and mevalonic acid. Mevalonic acid is then Phosphorylated by
ATP and decarboxylated to form isopentyl pyrophosphate. 4 of these
molecules form geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate which serves as the donor for all
GA carbon atoms. This compound is then converted to copalylpyrophosphate
which has 2 ring systems Copalylpyrophosphate is then converted to kaurene
which has 4 ring systems Subsequent oxidations reveal kaurenol (alcohol
form), kaurenal (aldehyde form), and kaurenoic acid respectively. Kaurenoic
acid is converted to the aldehyde form of GA12 by decarboxylation. GA12 is the
1st true gibberellane ring system with 20 carbons. From the aldehyde form
of GA12 arise both 20 and 19 carbon gibberellins but there are many mechanisms
by which these other compounds arise. Certain commercial chemicals which
are used to stunt growth do so in part because they block the synthesis of
gibberellins. Some of these chemicals are Phosphon D, Amo-1618, Cycocel (CCC),
ancymidol, and paclobutrazol. During active growth, the plant will metabolize
most gibberellins by hydroxylation to inactive conjugates quickly with the
exception of GA3. GA3 is degraded much slower which helps to explain why the
symptoms initially associated with the hormone in the disease bakanae are
present. Inactive conjugates might be stored or translocated via the phloem and
xylem before their release (activation) at the proper time and in the proper
Functions of Gibberellins
Active gibberellins show many physiological effects, each
depending on the type of gibberellins present as well as the species of plant.
Some of the physiological processes stimulated by gibberellins are outlined
below Stimulate stem elongation by stimulating cell division and
- Stimulates bolting/flowering in
response to long days.
- Breaks seed dormancy in some
plants which require stratification or light to induce germination.
- Stimulates enzyme production
(a-amylase) in germinating cereal grains for mobilization of seed
- Induces maleness in dioecious
flowers (sex expression).
- Can cause parthenocarpic
(seedless) fruit development.
- Can delay senescence in leaves
and citrus fruits.
Physiological effect
of gibberellins:
hormone also plays the central role in breaking seed dormancy in plant species
that require their seeds to be exposed to light or their seed coats to be
cracked before germination. During the
germination process, seeds initially take water, which triggers the germ of the
plant to begin growing. The seed begins to produce hormones and enzymes that
stimulate the plant to grow. Among these hormones are the gibberellins, which
regulate the synthesis of proteins and the growth of stem tissues. Introducing
additional gibberellins in the form of gibberellic acid can greatly accelerate
seed germination. A standard solution is typically used for most seeds and is
effective for both breaking the dormancy of seeds and accelerating their
sprouting and initial growth. Gibberellins are responsible for
promoting growth in the embryo of a seed. Gibberellin
released by the embryo travels towards the aleurone layer, its target tissue
situated in the endosperm region of the seed (alongside the embryo). Gibberellin
acts as the inducer, as its presence allows the enzyme induction of amylase,
which can break down starch INTO a sugar to be used in the embryo. Sugar is
used in the plant to synthesize proteins and break out of dormancy.
Increased Growth:
Gibberellins are a group of plant hormones that influence
growth and development. Gibberellic acid occurs naturally in the plant and is
used commercially to manipulate plant growth. Stem growth - GA1 causes
hyperelongation of stems by stimulating both cell division and cell elongation. The
hormone gibberellic acid is used by plants to induce growth .Growth is regarded
as the elongation of plant cells, which is most profound at the tips of stem
shoots. As days lengthen, gibberellic acid acts to induce flowering, as in the
case of plants in the mustard family like radish, cauliflower and broccoli.
Thus, the new seedling begins growth and breaks out of the seed. Gibberellins initiate this process in Summer, when the
external environment exhibits favorable conditions for plant growth. This
produces tall, as opposed to dwarf, plants. Bolting in long day plants - GAs
cause stem elongation in response to long days.
If Gibberellic acid is applied to young plants,
the result is often premature flowering of the plant. According to the
California Rare Fruit Growers, “formation of male flowers is generally promoted
by concentrations of 10 to 200 ppm.; female flowers by concentrations of 200 to
300 ppm.” These dosage amounts should be taken into consideration when using
Gibberellic acid for premature flowering.
Increased Yield from Fruit Plants:
In fruit plants that have not been properly
pollinated, Gibberellic acid is used to increase the fruit yield from these
plants. Often, the resulting fruit is seedless.
Gibberellic acid is applied to plants to increase overall plant growth,
and it is often used on grapes. Gibberellic acid not only increases the number
of grapes per bunch but also the average size of each grape.
Gibberellic acid, if sprayed on plants in
full-bloom, can counteract the deadly effects of frost when the weather gets
Use of gibberlin:
gibberellins are produced by fungal cultures, and it is the purified natural
products that are applied to plants. Generally, gibberellic acid (GA3) is used,
because this is the only gibberellin obtainable in commercial quantities,
although an expensive mixture of GA4 and GA7 is now commercially available for
specific purposes. Dwarf landscape plants and potted flowering plants
are treated with a hormone that inhibits the synthesis of gibberellic acids.
The absence of gibberellic acid results in smaller, more compact plants.The
most popularly used gibberlins are written as follows:
Seeds are protected by a thick seed coat that
must be permeated before germination can take place. Seeds that are difficult
to germinate are often treated with giberellic acid to increase germination
rates. Gibberellic acid is frequently used as a substance to stimulate
germination in seeds that have become dormant. This is one of the most common
and widespread uses of Gibberellic acid on plants.
Sex Expression
of gibberellic acid is needed for male flower parts, the anther with its
stamen, pollen and filament, to be formed in the developing flower bud. This is
the case for plants with perfect flowers, those that have both male and female
parts in the same blossom, as well as for plants that form single-sexed male
Secondary Effects
presence of gibberellic acid, depending on specific plant species, can have
secondary effects. One is the prevention of seeds in fruits, or the fleshy
swelling of the ovary without forming seeds, such as in modern bananas. An
abundance of this hormone can retard the dropping of dying leaves or the ripe
fruits of citrus, a process called senescence.
Enhanced production of seedless grapes
Bigger, more uniform bunches with larger fruit
are produced. Among other effects, the gibberellin causes lengthening of the
peduncle (stalk) attaching each grape to the cluster, thus permitting larger
grapes to form. Virtually all the grapes that go to market are now treated with
The production of hybrid cucumber seed:
Most high-producing cucumbers are F1 hybrids.
GA sprays induce the production of male flowers on cucumber plants that
normally produce only female flowers. The seed from neighboring all-female
plants of a different strain is then exclusively hybrid.
Increased malt production:
The addition of GA to germinating barley during
beer production enhances a-amylase production so that more malt is produced
more quickly. As the malt is the raw material for fermentation, a greater production
of beer is made possible by this technique.
Increased sugarcane yield:
GA promotes the elongation of sugarcane stalks
with no change in the sugar concentration, so that the net yield of sugar is
Mukesh RamjaliNepali
MSc.Ag first sem
Article unpublished
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Impact of climate change in neplease farming
Nepalese farming and Climate Change
Always we are recognized by Nepal is
agricultural based country out of we are still deficient on agriculture produce
like rice, oilseed, pulse, vegetable, milk and milk produce, meat etc. Million
tones annually we exported from other country. Directly or indirectly more than
80% people is engaged on Agriculture. The data shows that people staying the
region of Karnali region dying annually cause of starvation. We are unable to
provide food to our total population. Our country is agricultural based but programmed
lunch by our government is not agricultural based. Minimum 40% of total budget
should be allocated for this sector which is not implemented by our government.
Without legal formalities and budged allocation increase in agricultural
produce has not been possible. Besides this agriculture is highly dependent
upon following component like seed, soil, fertilizer, irrigation, harvesting
technique, marketing channel etc. And all of this is dependent upon climate. Climate
change is burning issues now a day. It is due to emission of green house gas
especially carbon monoxide, methane, chlorofloro carbon etc. The increase in
the amount of these in our environment cause global warming. These gases are
emission by most developed country like USA, China, and European Union, India.
Our country has very little contribution towards it but we are most affected by
it because it’s have impact in all areas nothing is beyond of climate change.
Recent research work suggests that human-induced climate changes, particularly
increases in temperature, are taking place. Even a slight increase in global
average temperature can be accompanied by much greater changes in local and
regional climates. Farming are unique areas in terms of detecting climate
change and for assessing climate-related impacts because in the existing system
changes occur rapidly with height over relatively short horizontal distances;
as do the vegetation and hydrology Notwithstanding the uncertainties in the
timing and exact magnitude of changes predicted in the Farming system, it is
thought that many natural systems will be affected and their vulnerability to
damage will increase. It is also thought that high mountain areas will be
subject to greater increases in temperature than elsewhere; glaciers and
snowfields will recede; and water supplies will decrease with severe impacts on
irrigation to agricultural land and drinking water supplies as well as on
supplies of hydroelectricity. Shifts in monsoon precipitation patterns are
expected, leading to the possibility of increased frequency and intensity of
droughts and episodes of intense precipitation. These in turn may lead to
increases in floods, landslides, and erosion. Increased glacial melt may also
lead to increases in the formation of glacial lakes and subsequent glacial lake
outbursts. Recent outburst was occurred in Pokhara which cause loss of human
beings, Agricultural produce and its diversity. This was too costly to our
people who are living in such areas. Changes in monsoon precipitation will also
have significant impacts on current agricultural practices in our country. Many
farmers are waiting for the rain to start farming but their hope is decreasing.
Nepalese agriculture is highly dependent on monsoon because more than 70% of
agriculture land is rainfed areas without rain fall no one will able to
cultivate their crops. Our farmer is facing much problem like unavailability of
fertilizer in time, irrigation water, quality seed, and incidence of disease outbreak
causes significant loss of agricultural produce. Now a day’s people are facing
the problem of disease in many crops, such as leaf blight in maize, neck blast
in rice, rust in wheat, blight in potato and tomato which has cause
significantly loss. This disease is controlled by excessive uses of chemical
which has detrimental effect to natural environments causes destroy of funa and
flora of soil. Which causes serve loss in recent year. Soil is becoming acidic,
by the excessive use of fertilizer like ammonium sulphate and chemicals also
contribute in the global warming of earth so excessive uses of these chemicals
should be minimized. Now a days new concept has developed sustainable farming
which includes organic farming, Integrated insect pest management (IPM),
Integrated soil nutrient management (ISNM). Such practices have given significantly
good result in the perception of farmer and consumer. The use of these
practices does not give large amount of produce but it give sustainable yield
without hampering the natural environment. The use of organic manure, vermini
compost, biopesticide has given goods result. So increase in such things should
encourage from government sector and private sector also. Land is limited and
population is increasing in geometric ratio but agricultural product is
increasing by arthemetric progression. Recent challenge to the agriculturist is
to develop the resistant varieties which can adapt to the new environment and
give maximum amount of agricultural production for the demand of increasing
population. Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) is working for the development
of the new varieties which can adopt to the changing environment but it is
still not sufficient for the demand of our country. There is lack of awareness
among the farmer about the use of improved varieties this is due to their
socioeconomic condition. So our government effort should be made to focused on
the farmer based program to increase their livelihood and to adapt in this
changing environment .Many small and cottage industry should encourage to
promote agriculture produce and give them respect. In our country there is a
promising problem that is young generation is hesitating to do farm work or
establish the agriculture based enterprise so this concept should be avoided.
Young should encourage establishing these farm. If we want to develop our
nation first up all we should respect our work what we do .For the development
of agriculture sector it is highly based on climate so to adapt in this
changing environment new technology should be adopted to cope these
difficulties, resistant varieties, water stress tolerance, high yielding
varieties should be selected. In this way we can adapt in this climate changing
Mukesh Ramjali(Nepali)
1st year
IAAS,Rampur ,Chitwan
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